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10 Easy Coffee Recipes to Make With the EspressoWorks 10-Pcs Machine

An espresso machine can be used for a wide range of gourmet coffee beverages. Here are some of the delicious options with a high-quality EspressoWorks 10-Piece Black Espresso & Cappuccino Maker Set.

1. Caramel Latte

Serving: 1
Total Time: 10 minutes
Preparation: 5 minutes
Cooking: 5 minutes

  • Espresso
  • Caramel syrup
  • Steamed milk
  1. Fill a cup ¼" high with caramel syrup.
  2. Using EspressoWorks’ machine, brew the espresso and steam the milk.
  3. Pouring the espresso into a cup, use a spatula to hold back the foam. Then, pour the steamed milk into the cup and place some foam on the top. Stir.

2. Café Latte

Serving: 1
Total Time: 10 minutes
Preparation: 5 minutes
Cooking: 5 minutes

  • 1 ounce, water
  • 1 tablespoon, dark espresso or French roast coffee
  • 1.3 ounces, foamed milk
  • Optional: 1 shot, flavored syrup
  1. Place the water in the boiler of EspressoWorks’ machine and the espresso or coffee in its portafilter. Tamp.
  2. Place a cup under the machine’s group head and make the latte. Add flavored syrup if desired.

3. Iced Caramel Macchiato

Servings: 2
Total Time: 10 minutes
Preparation: 5 minutes
Cooking: 5 minutes

  • 8 ounces, water
  • 2 packets, instant espresso (.09 ounce each)
  • 3 cups, ice
  • 2 ounces, vanilla syrup
  • ½ cup, milk
  • Whipped cream
  • 2 tablespoons, salted caramel sauce
  1. Heat water, adding instant espresso to it. Set aside.
  2. Place 1 ½ cups of ice in two 2 8-12-ounce glasses.
  3. Pour 1 ounce of vanilla syrup in each glass, followed by 4 ounces of milk.
  4. Add espresso.
  5. Top with whipped cream and drizzle with caramel sauce.

4. Honey Cinnamon Latte

Servings: 2
Total Time: 15 minutes

  • 2 cups, milk
  • 4 shots of espresso or very strong coffee
  • 1 tablespoon, honey
  • ¼ tablespoon, cinnamon
  1. Using EspressoWorks’ machine, prepare either espresso shots or strong coffee.
  2. Warm the milk in a microwave for 2 ½ minutes on 50% power.
  3. Add milk, espresso, honey and cinnamon to a blender.
  4. Blend for about 15 seconds. Then, pour the frothy mixture into coffee cups.
  5. Spoon foam from blender, placing it on top of the lattes.

5. Peanut Butter Espresso Smoothie

Servings: 2
Total Time: 5 minutes

  • 2 ounces, brewed espresso
  • 1 banana
  • 2 pitted dates
  • ¼ cup, peanut butter
  • 1 tablespoon, maple syrup
  • 5 ice cubes
  • ½ cup, milk
  1. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend.

6. Flat White Espresso

Serving: 1
Total Time: 8 minutes
Preparation: 3 minutes
Cooking: 5 mins

  • 1 shot, espresso
  • 2 shots, foamed milk
  1. Using EspressoWorks’ machine, prepare 1 shot of espresso.
  2. Froth the milk using the machine’s built-in frother.
  3. Combine the ingredients, making sure the flat white espresso has roughly ¼" of steamed milk on top.

7. Espresso Tonic

Serving: 1

  • 2 shots, Paulig espresso
  • 1.5 deciliter, tonic water
  • 1 lime wedge
  • Ice
  1. Prepare two espresso shots using EspressoWorks’ machine, and let it cool.
  2. Fill up a 200- milliliter glass with ice.
  3. Squeeze juice from the lime onto the ice.
  4. Add the tonic water, followed by the espresso after it has cooled.

8. Espresso Martini

Serving: 1

  • 50 milliliters, vodka
  • 35 milliliters, coffee liqueur
  • 1 shot, espresso
  • Ice
  • 3 coffee beans
  1. Prepare a shot of espresso using EspressoWorks’ machine.
  2. Pour the espresso shot, coffee liqueur and vodka into a cocktail shaker. Add ice.
  3. Fill a martini glass with ice.
  4. Shake the cocktail shaker vigorously.
  5. Empty the ice from the martini glass.
  6. Place a strainer on top of the cocktail shaker and pour the mixture through a sieve into the martini glass, making the drink frothy.
  7. Garnish with 3 coffee beans.

9. Espresso Old Fashioned

Serving: 1

  • 1 double shot, espresso
  • ¼ ounce, simple syrup and a touch of Peychaud’s bitters
  • 1 piece, lemon peel
  • Ice
  • 1 ounce, bourbon or rye whiskey (optional)
  1. After using EspressoWorks’ machine to prepare a double shot of espresso, combine the espresso with simple syrup, bitters and ice in a blender. Include bourbon or rye whiskey as well if desired. EspressoWorks’ machine works well for both hot and cold beverages.
  2. Stir for about 30 seconds until the outside of the shaker feels frosty. Strain into an ice-filled lowball glass.
  3. Twist the lemon peel over the drink and rub it over the glass’ rim, then throw out the peel.

10. Chocolate Vodka Espresso

Serving: 1
Preparation: 8 minutes

  • 1 large shot, espresso or strong coffee
  • 2 ounces, Van Gough Dark Chocolate Vodka
  • Chocolate shavings
  • Whipped cream
  1. Prepare a shot of espresso or strong coffee using EspressoWorks’ machine and pour it into a mug.
  2. Add the chocolate vodka and stir.
  3. Top with whipped cream and some shaved chocolate.